Angping-Chin Wedding Sonoma, CA Bouquet consisted of Calla Lilies and hints of Orchids |
There is a huge array of styles when it comes to choosing or styling your wedding bouquet. Many bouquet designers can help you in choosing the best fit for you as a Bride. As I usually tell my Brides, "It's all about you!" When selecting the ideal design for you, here are some factors that need to be considered.
Here's a list you can consider as you decide to choose the right bouquet for you.
- Keep in mind your wedding dress’s style: modern, traditional, etc.
- Consider your taste. Choose wedding bouquets which have designs that are appealing to you.
- The design of the wedding bouquets should also suit your style. Experimenting would work, if you like to try new things.
- Take your time. However, make sure you set a time frame so that you can still make changes before your big day.
- Consider selecting a size and shape that suits you best. Consider the shape of your body. You would want your bouquet to blend well with the shape of your body and you are comfortable with.
- Always make sure the flowers you choose are the ones which can really show the style of your special day.
Photo Credit: Nelwin Uy Photography